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The CryoFill 2.0 is the next generation liquid nitrogen level controller with a number of improved and new features. The CryoFill 2.0 is Medical Device Regulation (MDR) (EU) 2017/745 compliant (optional). As well as the ability to have a real time remote read out of relevant data via an alarming and/or monitoring system.
New features:
New: One Fill All Fill (OFAF)
This is a feature for optimizing the filling sequence of multiple cryogenic storage vessels. The controllers are connected with each other using communication cables. The master controller will make sure all the vessels fill in succession, in order to minimize nitrogen consumption.
New: High temperature control
This is a new software feature for controlling the temperature in the neck of the vessel. This feature in intended for situation when work in performed in the neck and the lid is open for a longer period. In case the temperature in the neck starts to rise, the controller injects nitrogen into the vessel, which lowers the temperature in the top of the vessel.
The CryoFill 2.0 can be used for controlling the liquid nitrogen level for any storage type, either conventional gas phase or the so called “dry” gas phase, with an absolute separation between the samples and liquid nitrogen, or full liquid phase. The CryoFill 2.0 can easily retrofitted to existing cryogenic storage vessels of any brand or type.
The CryoFill 2.0 is equipped with the following features and options:
Note: The product image is a sample illustration.
#searchwords Flüssigstickstoff LN2 Füllstandskontrolle Flüssigstickstoffniveaus Überwachungssystem Kryoregler automatischer Befüllregler Universeller Touchscreen-Controller für LN2-Lagertanks kryogenes zubehör Steuergerät Kryo Flüssigkeitsstand und Temperaturmessgerät Überwachungssysteme und Alarmsysteme für Biobanken Füllstandmessgerät Füllstandserkennung Cryo Universal Touchscreen Controller for LN2 storage tanks liquid nitrogen level controller cryogenic controller automatic filling controller