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Low liquid nitrogen level detection
The CryoLow is a standalone device that can be installed on a (small) cryogenic vessel. The CryoLow has a NTC sensor for liquid nitrogen detection. In case the CryoLow does detect liquid nitrogen it will alarm using the alarm, until the liquid nitrogen level is corrected.
Liquid nitrogen detection
The CryoLow uses a Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) sensor to detect liquid nitrogen. A dedicated hardware circuit is used to read the sensor value. This circuit is calibrated for the specific NTC in order to get an optimal detection point. This sensor is placed in the vessel at the minimum allowed height of the liquid nitrogen.
The CryoLow has an alarm status LED on the front which indicated whether the liquid nitrogen level is below the set height of the sensor. When the sensor does not detect liquid nitrogen the alarm LED turns on and there will be an audible alarm. The mute button can be used to mute the audible alarm for 4 minutes. There is also an alarm contact available to connect it to an alarm monitoring system. This is a dry contact I/O which can be connected either normally closed or normally open. This alarm contact has an switch delay of 10 minutes.
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#searchwords Füllstandserkennung Erkennung von niedrigem Flüssigstickstoffpegel Flüssigstickstoffpegelmesser Stickstoffstandsensor Stickstoffpegelsensor Flüssigstickstoffüberwachungsgerät Stickstofffüllstandsensor Flüssigstickstoff Füllstandsmessung Füllstand Messgerät kryogene Füllstandsensor Füllstandmessgerät Füllstandserfassung liquid nitrogen level detection Levelsensor Kryo Level Sensor liquid nitrogen level monitoring liquid nitrogen level sensor